Tuesday, 17 May 2016


As I'm reviewing my blog I realized that I haven't posted anything about my birthday last week. It was a very enjoyable day. Work was good and I met Angel and the kids afterwards to go to dinner. At dinner they let me open one gift (the one small enough to bring into the restaurant) which was season 4 of M*A*S*H. I was excited because that's the first season with BJ Honeycut and Col. Potter, two of my favorite characters. I've been able to watch episodes with Angel and while folding laundry. I love how the episodes are a mix of humor, satire, and serious topics. I later opened two other gifts, one was a new wall clock for my office that I think is really awesome the other was a Darth Vader apron. My enjoyment in these gifts just goes to show how much I'm getting older. I appreciate very practical things.

Interestingly enough, as I write this it is Tigger's birthday today. He made it to six and is doing alright. There are some words that come to mind when I think about Tigger. Passion and childlike joy are the two at the forefront. Volatile (not violent) and trying are two others, but they only come up when he and I are both in bad moods. I've never seen a child so spontaneous in his love and affection. Whenever he sees somebody he likes, it's the best day EVER!!! Whenever he has the chance to do something he enjoys, it's the best day EVER!!! He loves to be close to those he loves and is a world class snuggler. Every night when I put him to bed he asks if I'll tell him a story from when I was little. He is getting better at reading, although he really doesn't like practicing. I know it's not advised to compare your kids as they are all very different. I do it anyway. He is not the academic his sister is, but he is very curious and he will remember things that surprise me at times. He can still be a bit of an omniphobe but I'm learning how to help him get over some fears. He and I have a father/son camp out coming up soon and I'm looking forward to spending time with him and his grandfather. All in all, I'm very happy to have him as a son and feel blessed to be his father.

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