Friday, 1 July 2016

Family update

Well, It's been a while since I gave an update and I due. First, it's important to know that Angel is expecting our fourth. She is referring to it as "Poppet," so that's how I'll refer to him/her. We suspect it's a her based on how sick she's been. For both of the boys she was fine, very little morning sickness and a relatively comfortable pregnancy. With Kanga Angel lost weight she was so sick. This one is looking along those lines. So we figure she's a girl. We're excited to add one more to our family. We always kind of felt that there would be four kids in our family but weren't too sure how that would work out. After Tigger's close call and extended stay in the NICU we were very nervous about if Angel's body could handle more. We were resigned to two when Zilla came along.

Oh, yes. Roo has got a new nic-name: Zilla. Short for Godzilla. This is because he likes to knock down block towers and will emit loud shrieks. One of his favorite noises is a loud "ACH" that he'll repeat for a while. It makes me think of an air raid warning, another thing commonly associated with Godzilla. Anyway, for these reasons I occasionally call him Zilla and so I figure I'd make it official here.

Anyway. We're excited about Poppet. We're hoping that she'll be born in February as will give us three months with two birthdays in each one. Easy to keep track of. Granted we were also hoping for all of our birthdays to land on multiples of 9 but Tigger missed it by one day and Zilla missed it by five days. We're worried that with four kids our house may not be able to take the strain, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I really like our house and I really hate moving, so I'm going to try to make it work for as long as I can.

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