Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Time passes

It's amazing how time passes without noticing it. It's been over three weeks since I posted here and don't even get me started on my other blog. The sign on Brigham City Implement (our local marque that shares words of wisdom) currently says something along the lines of "Anyone who things a minute goes by quickly hasn't been on a treadmill." This reminds me of the comparison, often contributed to Einstein - Put you hand on a hot stove for a minute and it feels like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it feels like a minute. That's relativity. I've noticed that when I'm busy and content time passes slowly in the moment but upon hindsight seem to have flown by. I don't know if it's a function of memory that I can't remember the time that has gone by, but I suspect it is. We tend to remember negative emotions more than positive, so when things are happy or content it tends to make time go faster.

Understanding that, it's no wonder that time seems to be moving pretty quick. While things are far from perfect, they are still very nice. Kanga and I finished The Hobbit and started reading the Adventures Wanted series by M.L. Foreman. Tigger is doing better at staying dry and is improving in his reading. And Roo has become become predominately bipedal. Angel still loves being at home and my responsibilities at work haven't changed much. Money is tight, but it always has been, and we have Leeroy Jenkins, Spock, and their little girl (hereafter called Raptor - for her cute dinosaur noises) have moved in with us while looking for property to build on. It's made things a little cozier but it's worked well for the time being. I've enjoyed Leeroy picking me up from work as it means I get home a lot faster than when I take the bus.

All in all, I can't complain about life. It is good and treats us well. We are warm, fed, clothed, and I have a job. Yes, there is more that we would like (like to reactivate our Audible account) but opportunities are being explored and developed so I can't complain.

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