Wednesday, 30 December 2015

A white and fine Christmas

Christmas this year was very white, as I'm sure the rest of you living in Utah noticed. It was very beautiful and was perfect for my work's Christmas bunch where I was asked to head up a vocal quartet that performed. It was fun to sing with Andy (Young), Warren (Loveless), and Aaron (Garza).

The family parties were a lot of fun. The three pictures below were all from Angel's grandmother's get together. I'm glad that I get a long with so many of her relatives. As a young man you are inundated with stories of horrific get togethers with the in-laws, but I haven't had one yet. Kanga, Roo, and Tigger enjoyed themselves. I love these pictures of them as they do a good job of showing off parts of their personalities. Kanga loves to dress up (that's her trying on a new dress she just received). Roo, when unsure what to do, is quite and watches, very much like his mother (he's also starting to get tired at this point). And Tigger is a happy kid who just can't keep still (you can see his had is blurry because he's pulling it out of his pocket.

 We all got things we enjoyed for Christmas and have LOVED being close to family and visiting with them. With that said, we're planning on taking New Years a little easier, but it still includes a family dinner with Angel's aunt (the one sitting next to her in the picture). The kids have all been very good with Christmas being a little thinner due to Angel quitting her job. While finances are always stressful the blessing of her being at home with the kids is far greater than anything money could buy. With that said, I'm currently waiting to hear about a job I interviewed for (on the same day I sang at work). I've got high hopes that I'll be looked on favorably and have a better than average shot at it. Regardless, it's uncertain what the future holds and while I always have a little anxiety about the unknown I'm glad that I have my family by my side for the journey.

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