Dad learned that the Elder's Quorum in his ward was having a Daddy/Daughter camp out and asked if he could bring his granddaughters. Considering that he's not even in the Elder's quorum anymore (hasn't been for over 10 years) he figured he needed permission. They basically said, "you're going to anyway, so why are you asking?" What can I say, they know my father. He was kind enough to invite his granddaughters' fathers, so Darpa (my brother-in-law) and I found ourselves enjoying a very nice weekend with our girls.
We stayed in the Weber Memorial Campground not far from Causey Dam. Angel dropped Kanga off as I got off work and she and I drove up from Ogden. It took us a little over 30 minutes and was nice weather. The campground had a lot of thistle bushes. Darpa said that it seemed like the perfect place for Eeyore to live. Most of them were in bloom and I can't resist a blooming thistle. Despite leaving at 5:00 pm our party as one of the first ones at the site. Dad was there with the elder's quorum president and his two daughters. Kanga immediately began playing with them and her cousin. I don't have pictures of the mud pies and other creations they made, but they had a lot of fun.
After breakfast we went to Causey Reasevor and the girls were able to pile into a canoe. I took them out for a quick tip and then Darpa took them on a longer tour. Kanga really liked it, citing it as the highlight of the trip.
All in all, it was a lot of fun and very enjoyable, despite the rain. We got home in time for lunch and had a quiet afternoon with Angel and the boys.
That night we had hot dogs over the fire and started in on some s'mores before it started to rain. It was particularly nostalgic for me because we had forgotten to bring roasting sticks so we had to cut our own. When the rain started to come down hard, but we had a nice tent, games, Oreos, and lights. I was impressed by Kanga and her cousin's logic abilities as we played mastermind. I read Secret Garden to Kanga as we passed out to the rain. We all slept well, although I did wake up when a drop of water hit my nose. Luckily I was lying on my side so I just scooted over and it didn't happen again. My clothes did get a little damp, but that was because I had a water bottle that didn't have its lid tightened all the way.
The next morning revealed that a lot of people had arrived in the night and we had a big crew for breakfast. While we were cooking the girls had a rousing game of "who can be the bigger pyro." they used over 450 matches in a little over ten minutes. Kanga had fun and surprisingly no one was hurt. That's a difference I noticed between camping with girls verse boys - potentially dangerous activities generally have less injuries. With that said, my oldest niece did seem a little too anxious to use her knife. I was a little worried. Kanga was not so interested in using my knife to trim her stick, so I didn't have to worry too much.
After breakfast we went to Causey Reasevor and the girls were able to pile into a canoe. I took them out for a quick tip and then Darpa took them on a longer tour. Kanga really liked it, citing it as the highlight of the trip.

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