Every year Brigham City holds a "day-off from the harvest and time to celebrate 'an abundance of the best peaches in Utah." [citation]. Started in 1904, Peach Days is a big deal. We weren't living here last year and so didn't make it to any of the activities, but this year we wanted to make sure we took part. I have actually attended once, but I was manning a booth for a company I wasn't particularly fond of working for, so there was little enjoyment and I didn't get to see anything that was going on. This year was different - and very nice.

Saturday, after my piano lesson and a couple loads of laundry, the kids and I walked down just in time to catch the tail end of the morning parade. We had packed a picnic lunch and ate while a rock/blues band was warming up and started into their gig on the outdoor stage. It was good music and weather was still nice, despite it looking like it might rain. We walked around some more and saw the area they had with all of the food and saw the local Bikers Against Child Abuse chapters bikes. For both days they had blocked off about three blocks from vehicular traffic and had all kinds of entertainment set up. Music, rides, food, displays, booths, etc. It had been a while since we had been to the library, so we stopped by and resupplied our reading. The hard part was not even going into the basement where they had their used book sale. When we walked out there was a couple of women that had five boxes of books between them. One was keeping an eye on them while the other went to get the car. If that is a regular part of Peach Day's I'm going to have to save my shekels. We put the books in the double stroller (you thought I made my kids walk all 12 blocks didn't you), and started home. It was a good walk in all and I don't think driving would have saved us much time. It seemed that the closest anyone could park was five or six blocks away and the time spent loading/unloading would have just been wasted. Also, my sedan (since Angel took the van) can't hold the stroller and so the kids would have had to walk that fair. All in all it was fun.
Next year we'll be more prepared and hopefully Tigger will feel a bit more courageous.
Friday night we swung by after dinner and had just missed the children's parade. We parked by where the floats were off-loading the kids and walked the half dozen blocks Main and Forest where all of the activities were happening. They had carnival rides (and food) - quite a bit of both. The kids were real troopers because we walked everywhere and they were fantastic. At one point I put Tigger on my shoulders so he could see better. This worked out well until I found him trying to climb on top of my head from pure and utter, abject horror. One of the rides (a roller coaster that just went around and around, back and forth in a giant loop) had scared him and he was convinced that it was the end of everything. We worked our way back through the crowd away from the terror of the toddler and he started to calm down. We didn't go on any of the rides, but they did have some giant inflatables and Kanga enjoyed going to a large slippery-slide while Tigger watched. Both of them had fun. In addition to the carnival they also had booths set up for local (and non-local) businesses and merchants. We saw some wonderful pictures and paintings, fun crafts and restored antiques, and some great clothing designs. We enjoyed the walk around and the nice temperature before heading back to the car and home.

Next year we'll be more prepared and hopefully Tigger will feel a bit more courageous.
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