My Dad's Superpowers are: (as answered by Tigger)

My Dad can run faster than a: car
He can lift: a train
He is really good at: running games
He makes the best: food
He is funny when: he laughs
He likes to: play running games
He is a SUPERHERO because: he lifts tables.
My Dad's Superpowers are: (as answered by Kanga)

My Dad can run faster than a: Cow
He can lift: can
He is really good at runing (running)
He makes the best: close (clothes?)
He is funny when: he macs a funny face (makes)
He likes to: Smile
He is a SUPERHERO because: He is cll (cool)
Tigger obviously had some help with his worksheet - I'm curious who drew the picture of me lifting a table. The kids got these in their church class and brought them to me at the end of church. They made laugh. I was also wondering when they ever saw me running. As I think about it they do watch me play Portal 2 on the computer and that might be considered a running game. Maybe? I'm just glad that my daughter thinks I'm cool and my son likes my food.
This weekend Angel is helping with a baby shower for her younger sister, the first of at least three this summer. I told her that I would take the kids for her so she could focus on making sure the shower went well. Since then I've gotten invitations to go airsofting and trap and skeet shooting for that same time. As much as I would enjoy doing those things with people I honestly enjoy being with I can't because I'll have the kids. But I'm very okay with that. With both Angel and I working we don't get to spend much time with the kids during the week. They are still young enough that there are many things that they can't do (such as airsoft and skeet shooting) that I want to share with them. But given the choice of spending time with my children and going airsofting or skeet shooting my ultimate choice is to spend it with my kids.
My kids are what made me a father and they are the reason I enjoy being one. Yes, they can drive me absolutely crazy at times. Tigger has some challenges and I hat to admit that losing patience with him is very easy. Kanga is full of attitude and while it is usually good attitude it has an ugly side as well. I've screamed at, spanked, put in time out, chewed out, set to bet early, lectured, and many of those other parental discipline dos and don't. When accused of "making everything boring" - one of the worst sins in my kids' minds - I reply, "that's my job." They scare me, age me, and make me wonder who decided that I was mature, capable, or intelligent enough to be a father. Shortly after Tigger was born I called me father and told him how much I appreciated him. He laughed. A lot. I'm sure it was because he has felt the same way himself.
With all that said, with the terror, frustration, and anxiety that I feel because of my kids they are more than worth it. I love reading with them. I love learning with them. I love playing games with them and sharing my passions. When Angel asked what I wanted for Father's Day I told her I wanted to take the kids to the zoo. I believe that to fully appreciate a zoo or museum you need to go there with a child. Kanga has been the zoo before and Tigger has too but he was quite young. For him it was a first to see sea lions and seals swimming underwater through the viewing windows. Kanga wanted to see the zebras and lions. I saw my kids watch in awe as hawks, owls, doves, parrots, and even eagles swooped inches over their heads at the bird show. Kids have the ability to project their wonder and amazement onto others. It's infectious. It's part of what makes them so much fun.
I love my kids very much and am so humbled to be their father. I barely feel adequate at times and feel plenty inadequate at many other times. Yet somehow they are doing a good job at being kids and they tell me that I'm a good father.